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Tennessee Court Records

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Lawrence County Arrest Records

Arrest records in Lawrence County, Tennessee, are official documents created by the Lawrence County Sheriff's OfficeTennessee Highway Patrol (THP), and other law enforcement agencies. The Tennessee Code Annotated authorizes law enforcement to arrest individuals with or without warrants if they have probable cause or the courts issue arrest warrants. The Lawrence County Jail is the primary detention facility for arrested persons in Lawrence County.

Lawrence County arrest records are crucial crime-fighting documents. They may also play important roles in criminal trials and become part of Lawrence County court records.

Are Arrest Records Public in Lawrence County?

Yes, Lawrence County arrest records are public. The Tennessee Public Records Act (TPRA) mandates open access to official documents in the custody of local or state agencies (this includes Lawrence County arrest records). However, the TPRA and other relevant laws exempt access to Lawrence County arrest records relating to ongoing investigations, juvenile arrests, sealed or expunged records, victim or witness information, confidential Informant information, security records, medical or mental health, and victims of sexual crimes.

Only the subjects of the records and entities authorized by law can access Lawrence County's restricted arrest records.

In Lawrence County, the Sheriff's Office, local police departments, and the Lawrenceburg Police Department maintain arrest records; inquirers can contact the Lawrence County Sheriff's Office and the Lawrenceburg Police Department at the following addresses:

Lawrence County Sheriff's Office
240 West Gaines Street,
Lawrenceburg, TN 38464
Phone: (931) 762-3626

Lawrenceburg Police Department
25 Public Square,
Lawrenceburg, TN 38464
Phone: (931) 762-2276

Lawrence County Arrest Statistics

Between January 1, 2020, and December 31, 2023, Lawrence County made over 5,600 arrests, 3,923 of which were males and 1,760 of which were females. The county's arrest statistics show a decreasing trend from 2020 to 2023.

In 2020, there were 1,493 arrest incidents within Lawrence County. This figure decreased to 1,455, 1,384, 1,324 in 2021, 2022, and 2023. During this period, drug/narcotic violations, simple assault, non-violent family offenses, and larceny were the most consistent arrest incidents; they accounted for over 29% of arrests within Lawrence County. Also, there were high numbers of aggravated assault and DUI arrests, as shown in the table below.

Offense Number of Arrests
Drug/Narcotic Violations 605
Simple Assault 520
Non-violent Family Offenses 336
Larceny 204
Aggravated Assault 196
DUI 120
Burglary 70
Drunkenness 66
Destruction of Property 63
Motor Vehicle Theft 58
Disorderly Conducts 36
Fraud 33
Weapon Law Violations 31
Sex-related Offenses 19
Liquor Law Violations 14
All Other Offenses 3,310

Data Source: FBI UCR database.

Find Lawrence County Arrest Records

Individuals looking for Lawrence County arrest records should:

  • Contact the Lawrence County Sheriff's Office or the Lawrenceburg Police Department (for arrests within Lawrenceburg City).
  • Call or visit the Lawrence County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office at:

Lawrence County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office
240 West Gaines Street,
Lawrenceburg, TN 38464
Phone: (931) 762-4398

  • Visit the Tennessee Courts Public Case Records Portal to search for arrest records related to cases by case numbers, case types, or party names.
  • Log into the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Open Records Information Services, register, and fill out online request forms to access Lawrence County arrest records through criminal records.

Lawrence County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

There are several distinctions between Lawrence County arrests and criminal records. These differences are based on their contents, purposes, and legal implications.


Lawrence County arrest records are law enforcement documents detailing the arrest and detention of individuals for arrestable offenses. These documents contain personal details and physical descriptions of the arrestees, processing information, and the conditions for release. On the other hand, Lawrence County criminal records contain complete information about criminal charges, outcome of cases, and sentencing information.


Lawrence County arrest records provide information for criminal investigations and are precursor documents for criminal trials within the county.

A Lawrence County criminal record provides comprehensive details of the owner's interactions with the criminal justice system. Criminal records provide information about individuals' criminal responsibilities and are assessment documents by the courts, employers, and licensing boards.

Legal Implications

Arrest records do not imply guilt or innocence. Arrestees are innocent until proven guilty. A criminal record legally confirms that the owner is a convict.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

Arrest information stays on records permanently unless the courts remove them. In Tennessee, owners of arrest records can petition the courts to seal or expunge them if they fulfill the requirements of Section 40-32-101 of the Tennessee Code Annotated (TCA). Per the TCA, an arrest record may be eligible for sealing or removal if:

  • The arrest results in dismissal, acquittal, or nolle prosequi
  • The arrest record is for non-violent felony or misdemeanor
  • The owner of the record completes the sentence for the offense (including probation), judicial diversion, or pretrial Program
  • The individual pays all court-imposed fines and makes restitution (if applicable).

Petitioners should note that misdemeanors and Class E felonies have a five-year waiting period, and they must have no disqualifying convictions during this period.

Lawrence County Arrest Warrants

Arrest warrants are legal documents authorizing law enforcement to make arrests. In Lawrence County, the courts issue arrest warrants if law enforcement proves probable cause. Judges may also issue arrest warrants if individuals contravene court orders.

A Lawrence County arrest warrant contains the following information:

  • The name and physical description of the subject/defendant
  • Charges against the individual, time, and location of the offense
  • Sections of Tennessee Codes allegedly violated
  • Date and time of issuance of the warrant
  • Name and signature of the authorizing judge
  • An affidavit or statement of probable cause from law enforcement
  • A statement authorizing law enforcement to take the individual into custody
  • Jurisdiction of the warrant.

Do Lawrence County Arrest Warrants Expire?

No, arrest warrants do not have expiration dates in Lawrence County or other parts of the United States. Lawrence County arrest records remain valid until the subject is in custody, the case is resolved, the court revokes the warrant, or the subject dies. However, certain factors may influence the issuance of Lawrence County arrest warrants. Depending on the nature of the crimes, there may be statutes of limitations; within this period, the prosecutor must file charges against the suspect. Otherwise, arrest warrant records issued after this period are invalid. Also, errors or omissions on the arrest warrants may invalidate them.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
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  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!