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Tennessee Court Records

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Maury County Arrest Records

An arrest in Maury County, Tennessee happens when law enforcement officers take an individual into custody. After an arrest, the individual is typically booked, a process that involves recording personal information, fingerprints, mugshots, and details of the alleged offense. The individual is then detained and arraigned. The information collected during booking makes up the arrest record.

The Maury County Sheriff’s Office typically carries out arrests and bookings, but local city police departments also handle the booking and arrest records for individuals arrested within their jurisdictions. An arrest record created by law enforcement in Maury County documents the circumstances of an individual's arrest and information about the offense and arrestee. Any subsequent arrests are added to the original file, creating a comprehensive record of every time the person has been arrested and taken into custody by law enforcement.

Maury County arrest records only show a person was arrested and no more. The outcome of the charges filed against arrestees following their arrest is typically found in Maury County Court Records.

Are Arrest Records Public in Maury County?

Yes. Arrest records are considered public records in Maury County under the Tennessee Public Records Act. Per this Act, individuals may submit public record requests to local law enforcement agencies to look up or obtain copies of arrest records.

However, certain arrest records are restricted from public disclosure under the Act. These include juvenile records, expunged or sealed arrest information, and arrest information whose disclosure may compromise ongoing law enforcement investigations or expose the identity of witnesses and confidential informants.

Access to restricted or exempt arrest records is allowed for only authorized persons, such as the record subject (and their attorneys), and official entities like law enforcement officers with a legitimate need for those records, which in most cases may require a court order.

What Do Public Arrest Records Contain?

A Maury County public arrest record typically contains the following information:

  • The arrestee’s name and any known aliases
  • Physical description of the arrestee — height, weight, race, gender, eye color, hair color, tattoos, marks, scars, etc.
  • Arrestee’s date of birth and age
  • Mugshot or booking photograph
  • Arrest date, time, and location
  • Booking date and time
  • Fingerprints
  • Charges
  • Bail amount and conditions of release.

Maury County Crime Rate

According to data from the crime in Tennessee report, there were 5,771 crime incidents in Maury County in 2022. These included 2,313 crime incidents against persons, which included aggravated assault (377), simple assault (1,429), intimidation (334), and murder (2); 2,494 crime incidents against property, which included burglary (198), motor vehicle theft (1,391), arson (10), and shoplifting (236). Furthermore, there were 964 crimes against society, including drug/narcotics violations (558), animal cruelty (8), and weapon law violations (105). The most prevalent crimes reported were simple assaults, motor vehicle thefts, intimidation, and aggravated assaults.

Maury County Arrest Statistics

Maury County law enforcement agencies reported a total of 4,431 arrests in 2022, according to the Crime in Tennessee 2022 report. Adult arrests comprised 86.17% (3,818 arrests), while juvenile arrests accounted for 13.83% (613 arrests). Per the report, arrest statistics for Maury County law enforcement agencies are as follows:

  • Maury County Sheriff's Office: 2,811 total arrests
    • Adults: 2,352
    • Juvenile: 459
    • Most arrest incidents: Family non-violent incidents (217) and simple assault (162).
  • Mount Pleasant PD: 124 total arrests
    • Adult: 117
    • Juveniles: 7
    • Most arrest incidents: Simple assault (26), DUI (21), and aggravated assault (16).
  • Columbia PD: 1,495 total arrests
    • Adults: 1,348
    • Juveniles: 147
    • Most arrest incidents: Simple assault (620), DUI (121), Drunkenness (86), and aggravated assault (67).
  • Columbia State Community College: 1 arrest for disorderly conduct.

Find Maury County Arrest Records

Individuals seeking to obtain Maury County arrest and inmate records should contact the Maury County Sheriff's Office or the arresting agency. For requests to the Maury County Sheriff's Office, individuals should complete the Request for Public Records Form and submit it in person during working hours, Monday through Friday, or by mail or e-mail. The Sheriff's Office charges 15 cents per black-and-white page and 50 cents per color page for requested arrest records.

Maury County Sheriff's Office
1300 Lawson White Drive
Columbia, TN 38401
Fax: (931) 380-1122
Phone: (931) 380-5733

Alternatively, individuals may use the Tennessee Department of Corrections ‘Inmate Search System’ to lookup Maury County felony offenders arrested and incarcerated in Tennessee Department of Corrections facilities. For federal arrests, inmate information is available through the Federal Bureau of Prisons' free, name-based inmate locator.

Free Arrest Record Search in Maury County

Interested individuals may access or lookup Maury County arrest records by contacting the custodian of these records—The Maury County Sheriff's Office.

Maury County Sheriff's Office
1300 Lawson White Drive
Columbia, TN 38401
Fax: (931) 380-1122
Phone: (931) 380-5733
Email: browland@maurycounty-tn.gov.

Additionally, they may contact local police departments, such as the Columbia PD, to access records of arrests conducted by Columbia PD officers.

Columbia Police Department
707 North Main Street
Columbia, TN 38401
Phone: (931) 388-2727
Email: CPDRecords@columbiatn.com.

Generally, it is free to merely lookup these records. However, fees will apply to obtain or duplicate copies of arrest records from the law enforcement agency.

Alternatively, interested individuals should use third-party aggregate websites to obtain Maury County arrest records for free. These sites compile arrest information from law enforcement agencies and other official sources across multiple locations, including Maury County. Individuals can search these sites to review arrest records of individuals with their full names for free. However, the free service may be limited to only basic arrest reports.

Get Maury County Criminal Records

A criminal record (also called criminal history or rap sheet) is a detailed account of an individual's arrests, charges, prosecutions, convictions, and sentences within the criminal justice system of Tennessee. The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) is the custodian of these records, and they are available to the public through criminal background check requests to the TBI.

To obtain criminal records on persons of interest in Maury County, visit the TBI background checks webpage and conduct a criminal record search online via the online request form, or by mail by sending a completed TORIS request form to the TBI at the address below. The TBI charges a non-refundable $29.00 fee for background check requests, whether online or by mail.

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
901 R.S. Gass Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37216
Phone: (615) 744-4057

Alternatively, individuals should contact the Maury County Sheriff’s Office for local criminal history reports, if available.

Maury County Sheriff's Office
1300 Lawson White Drive
Columbia, TN 38401
Phone: (931) 380-5733

Maury County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

While arrest records and criminal records are related, they are different. An arrest record documents an individual's arrest by law enforcement and the circumstances surrounding it, including the personal information of the arrestee, alleged offenses, charges, booking information, fingerprints, arrest date, and arresting agency.

Arrest records typically capture arrests that occurred within a specified location, such as Maury County, and don't reveal whether the arrestee was convicted for the criminal offense for which they were taken into custody. The arresting agency creates and manages a person's arrest record in Maury County.

In contrast, a criminal record chronicles every instance of a person's arrest, subsequent prosecution, guilty or not guilty post-indictment verdict, and sentence resulting from those arrests. A person's criminal record is not limited to a specific jurisdiction within Tennessee but rather is statewide, containing details of every interaction they have had with the criminal justice system at the city, county, state, and even federal levels.

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) is the official custodian of criminal records in the state, creating, maintaining, and dispensing individuals' criminal history records to the public.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

Indefinitely. Tennessee law does not specify retention periods for arrest records. Unless expunged or sealed under Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-32-101, an arrest history remains permanently on a person's record. However, when an arrest record is expunged or sealed, it is restricted, sequestered, or redacted from public disclosure.

Expunge Maury County Arrest Records

Persons can file a petition for expungement of their arrest records under Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-32-101. Expungement of an arrest record means the record is sealed, deleted from official repositories, and treated as if it never occurred.

Per the law, a person can only file to expunge their arrest records if these conditions are fulfilled:

  • The charge was dismissed after the arrest.
  • The grand jury returned a "no true bill".
  • The individual was released after arrest without being charged.
  • The arrest or warrant was dismissed in court as part of a pretrial diversion program.
  • The arrest or charge was due to mistaken identity.
  • The judge or jury returned a verdict of not guilty, or the person was acquitted.
  • It has been more than 37 years since the individual was convicted of a misdemeanor or a class C, D, or E felony, and the individual has not been arrested, indicted, or convicted of any other crime.

Individuals who meet the conditions for expunging arrest records in Tennessee should file a petition to expunge arrest records with the Maury County Circuit Court Clerk. Each arrest requires a separate petition if there are multiple arrest records. Note that the arrest must have occurred in Maury County. After completing the form, submit the application in person or by mail to the Maury Circuit Court Clerk’s Office.

Maury County Circuit Court Clerk
41 Public Square
Columbia, TN 38401
Phone: (931) 375-1106
Fax: (931) 375-1114
Email: Sandy.McLain@tncourts.gov.

Upon receiving the petition, the court may rule on it without a hearing or hold a hearing to determine its judgment. If the expungement petition is granted, the court will order criminal justice agencies like the TBI, Maury County Sheriff's Office, Tennessee Department of Corrections, etc. to remove the arrest record and related information from their public records repositories, such as the Tennessee Felony Offender Lookup (FOIL), Tennessee Offender Management Information System (TOMIS), and Maury County Court Records.

Note: If an arrest record still appears on third-party websites after expungement, the affected individuals can contact these sites or platforms with the court's expungement order to request the deletion or removal of their records and information.

Maury County Arrest Warrants

An arrest warrant is an order issued by a judge or magistrate authorizing law enforcement to apprehend and take an individual into custody (Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-6-201). Tenn. Code Ann. §§ 40-6-201 to -217 governs the issuance and execution of Maury County arrest warrants.

Law enforcement must establish probable cause with supporting evidence that the accused committed a crime for a judge or magistrate to issue an arrest warrant (Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-6-205). The process generally involves the law enforcement officer submitting an affidavit (or complaint), supporting evidence, and/or witness testimony, and being examined under oath to establish probable cause for the warrant.

A Maury County arrest warrant typically contains the name of the defendant/accused, the alleged criminal offense and charges, the city or county where the warrant is issued, the issuing judge or magistrate's name or initials, and a copy of the affidavit (Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-6-208).

Maury County Arrest Warrant Search

A Maury County arrest warrant is typically not public until after its execution— the arrest of the named subject—or its resolution through surrender or court recall. To search for Maury County arrest warrants, individuals must visit the Maury County Sheriff's Office or contact a local city police department, such as the Columbia Police Department. Per Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-6-216, warrant information is only available to the subject and their legal representatives upon identity verification.

Maury County Sheriff's Office
1300 Lawson White Drive
Columbia, TN 38401
Phone: (931) 380-5733
Fax: (931) 380-1122
Email: mwray@maurycounty-tn.gov.

Alternatively, individuals should consult the Tennessee Most Wanted List. Persons whose names appear on this list typically have active arrest warrants against them, either by state or local authorities.

Do Maury County Arrest Warrants Expire?

The expiration of a Maury County arrest warrant depends on the criminal offense for which the warrant was issued. Arrest warrants for felony offenses in Maury typically remain active until the person named on the warrant is arrested. However, arrest warrants for misdemeanor offenses become void after five years if not executed (Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-6-206).

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