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Tennessee Court Records

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Roane County Arrest Records

A Roane County arrest record is a document that indicates that a person has been apprehended, taken into police custody, and booked into the county jail. A person may be arrested with or without an arrest warrant when there is probable cause to believe that the suspect committed a crime or violated local, state, or federal criminal laws.

Arrest records are usually the first documents created when a person becomes involved with the Tennessee criminal justice system. If prosecutors file formal charges against the arrestee, they will be arraigned, and trial court records will be created; Roane County court records are the official documentation of judicial proceedings. The Roane County Sheriff is the custodian of arrest records in the county.

Are Arrest Records Public in Roane County?

Yes. In accordance with the provisions of the Tennessee Open Records Act, arrest records are public Records in Roane County (TN Code § 10-7-503). Public records in Tennessee include all documents, papers, audio or video recordings, electronic files, or other material, regardless of physical form, made or received in accordance with the law and connected with the official business of any state, local, county, or municipal government establishment.

Law enforcement authorities in Roane County, like the Roane County Sheriff’s Office, have a statutory duty to make arrest records available for inspection and copying to all members of the public. Unless otherwise provided by the Tennessee Open Records Act or any other state or federal law, a record custodian shall not deny an individual the right to access and inspect arrest records.

Information contained in arrest records may be made confidential or sealed by federal or state law or by an order of the court. Sealed or confidential arrest records are not publicly available. Such records are restricted from public disclosure to protect sensitive information, ensure the safety and privacy of an involved party, prevent interference with law enforcement investigations, or comply with a court order of expungement (TN Code § 10-7-504).

What Do Public Arrest Records Contain?

Public arrest records in Roane County, Tennessee, may generally contain the following information:

  • Basic Information about the arrestee: This may include their full name, date of birth, age, aliases or nicknames, address, height, weight, photograph, gender, race, ethnicity, eye color, scars, or other noticeable physical features,
  • Arresting agency: The department that initiated the arrest, for example, the Roane County Sheriff’s Office, Harriman Police Department, or Kingston Police Department.
  • The location, date, and time of arrest
  • Charges: A brief description of the charges, the specific offense, counts, and class of offense (felony, misdemeanor)
  • Outstanding warrants and previous charges
  • Bail and bond information
  • Court details: Scheduled court dates
  • Holding facility
  • Case status.

Roane County Crime Rate

Based on statistics derived from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Crime Data Explorer, 836 offenses were reported in Roane County in 2022. This figure was classified into crimes against persons (265), crimes against property (379), and crimes against society (192). The most popular crimes in Roane County for that year were violent and property crimes. The most prevalent offenses were:

  • Assault offenses - 239
  • Drug/narcotic offenses - 167
  • Larceny/theft - 147
  • Drug/narcotic violations - 120
  • Destruction/damage/vandalism of property - 91
  • Burglary/breaking and entering - 66.

Roane County Arrest Statistics

Arrest data retrieved from the National Incident-Based Reporting System reveals Roane County law enforcement made 2,307 arrests in 2022. The Roane County Sheriff’s Office was responsible for 68.1% of the arrests in the county (1,572 arrests). From the data available, one can deduce that the grounds for the majority of the arrests were drug abuse violations, simple assault, offenses against the family and children, and larceny.

Find Roane County Arrest Records

The Roane County Sheriff’s Office, Harriman Police Department, Kingston Police Department, and Rockwood Police Department are responsible for keeping the peace and enforcing the laws in Roane County within their respective jurisdictions.

Persons in need of arrest information are advised to contact the Roane County Sheriff’s Office to inquire about its procedures for requesting records, fees, reception hours, appointments, and ID requirements. Depending on the availability of such service, individuals may be able to send mail requests for copies of arrest records.

Interested persons may also try contacting other local law enforcement agencies in the county. Suppose the arrested person has been incarcerated pending trial, final verdict or has received a sentence. In that case, one can look up Inmate Booking Records to confirm that the subject of the record sought is indeed in the custody of the State/County.

The TN Department of Correction Felony Offender Information search site also provides arrest information on felony offenders in the custody of the Tennessee Department of Correction. A quick search will reveal the offender's identity, physical description, aliases, holding facility, sentence start and end date, parole, and release details.

Free Arrest Record Search in Roane County

Interested persons can access Roane County arrest records for free at the Roane County Sheriff's Office. However, if they request copies of public records, they will be required to pay all associated fees. While it may be free to view and inspect records, requests to produce copies of or certify records are paid services. Alternatively, interested persons may search the Roane County Sheriff’s Jail Booking site to access details about recently arrested persons.

Another option is third-party public record websites. Third-party aggregate sites are privately owned sites that compile arrest information from multiple sources in a single database. Although they are not free, the creators offer subscription and payment plans that may be low-cost alternatives to the searcher. The downside to using these search tools is that because they are not affiliated with the government, it may be a challenge to confirm the accuracy and validity of the information available.

Get Roane County Criminal Records

Roane County criminal records are a list of an individual’s criminal prosecutions, convictions, and entire criminal history. They document all their interactions with the Tennessee Criminal Justice System, from the law enforcement authorities (police) to the courts and jails, prisons, and correctional facilities. It is also called a criminal history record.

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) offers background check services to the general public. Any individual may request a background search or criminal records on any other adult citizen or resident of the state. Just like the exceptions to public arrest records, individuals cannot obtain the juvenile criminal records of another person.

TBI also offers statewide background checks and fingerprint-based checks against the FBI crime database. The Tennessee-only search costs $29 and can be completed online. While the FBI search costs $50. For additional information, contact the TBI at:

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
901 R.S. Gass Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37216
Phone: (615) 744-4000

Roane County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

Arrest records and criminal records often appear within the same context. However, they are significantly different and have different legal implications.

Roane County arrest records are created after a person has been arrested by a law enforcement officer and taken into custody on suspicion of crime. It is not an indication of guilt; it is simply a record of the arrest. It is created during the booking process. At this stage, an officer records the arrested person’s personal information, fingerprints, and photographs and confiscates their personal belongings pending release. An arrest record may contain the name and physical characteristics of the arrested person and the charges filed. Sometimes, a person may be arrested, and no formal charges will be filed subsequent to the arrest.

On the other hand, a criminal record documents the history of a person’s contact with the criminal justice system after their arrest and possible conviction. It documents the outcome of the investigation, trial, court proceedings, and sentencing. It serves as a record of criminal activity that the court has proved.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

Indefinitely. Once charges are filed after an arrest, arrest information becomes filed as part of court records. So, not only do you have arrest records, but the information is also publicly available through multiple custodians. Where no charges were filed after the arrest, they can be deleted from the police database in reasonable time. However, if the arrest pertains to a felony or an ongoing case, it will remain on your records indefinitely.

Although arrests remain in the law enforcement database indefinitely, an individual can petition the court to seal or expunge the records. This remedy is, however, only available to those who meet certain eligibility requirements.

Expunge Roane County Arrest Records

Per TN Code 32 § 40-32-101, a person may be eligible to petition the court to expunge all public arrest records or records of misdemeanor or felony charges at no cost to them if:

  • The charge has been dismissed
  • A grand jury returned a no-true bill
  • The person was arrested and released without being charged.

Under subsection B of the same law, a person can petition the court to expunge an arrest record where the arrest warrant or charge was dismissed in court. However, in this case, the petitioner shall pay the court clerk fee for destroying records.

The court will order the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation to delete a record where the person was arrested or charged due to mistaken identity. Here, the petitioner must produce proof/evidence to support their claim and can request that the court delete the record expeditiously.

An individual shall not be entitled to expunge their arrest record where they were not convicted of the charged offense but were found guilty of a simpler offense relating to the same criminal act or omission. This rule also applies where a person is charged on multiple counts in a single indictment but is convicted of at least one or more counts or an offense relating to the same criminal behavior.

The judge will consider the applicant's petition and consider factors like whether or not the petitioner has a pending case in court or has been rearrested for the same conduct. Such factors will influence the judge’s decision. If the judge grants the petition, the court will send an order to all government agencies in custody to remove and delete that record from their database.

Roane County Arrest Warrants

An arrest warrant is a legal document issued by a judge or magistrate. It authorizes the county sheriff or other paw enforcement officers (s) to make an arrest. An arrest warrant is an order in writing stating the charge and complaint, and it commands an officer to arrest the named defendant (TN Code § 40-6-201)

In Tennessee, an arrest warrant will only be issued when the judge or magistrate is convinced, based on the complaint and supporting documents, that there is probable cause to believe that the defendant committed the offense complained of.

An arrest warrant issued in Tennessee should contain the State and County of issuance, be addressed to any lawful officer of the state, and include information on the oath/affidavit alleging that the offense has been committed, the name of the defendant, and the name and signature of the judge/magistrate and his office. A warrant may be executed by a sheriff, deputy sheriff, marshal, or police officer of any city or town acting with Roane County or by any individual authorized by law.

Roane County Arrest Warrant Search

The Roane County Sheriff does not maintain an online database for outstanding arrest warrants. An alternative means to find warrant information is to contact or visit the Sheriff’s office. Interested persons may also contact the court clerk in the jurisdiction where the warrant was issued.

Roane County Sheriff’s Office
230 North Third Street
Kingston, TN 37763
Phone: (865) 376-5582

Do Roane County Arrest Warrants Expire?

It depends. Arrest warrants for felony offenses issued in Roane County do not expire. In misdemeanor cases, if an arrest warrant is not served, returned, or quashed within five years of its issuance, it is automatically terminated (TN Code § 40-6-206).

Ordinarily, when a warrant is issued in Tennessee, police officers have 10 days to execute and return it. If it is not successful, it does not mean the defendant or accused is pardoned. Warrants last until they are executed or the defendant turns themselves in.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
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  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
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